Since we have surpassed the end it just feels right to tell you that 2011 was a year of being totally on my hustle all the time. I'll post something about my year's highlights as well as favorite music and art picks soon, but for now here's a recap of some zine news from most recent to least.
I will be tabling at the first-ever NYC Feminist Zinefest (co-organized by Kate Angell and Elvis Bakaitis) on Saturday, February 25th, 2012 with International Girl Gang Underground and with For the Birds. The 'fest will be held at the Brooklyn Commons, 388 Atlantic Avenue (between Hoyt St. and Bond St. in Brooklyn).

I also contributed to Hoax issue 5, "Feminisms and Community" about my experience organizing the IGGU zine release party in March, about community and utilizing a safer space policy.
Stay tuned for more ZINE NEWS as we plan the future of BRAIN WAVES in 2012!
Happy to have come across your blog. Have you ever read Katherine Haake's What our Speech Disrupts? It's a writing book from a feminist point of view. I've studied some critical and feminist pedagogy and whatnot, so I'll be back to check you site in the future.