adrian adonisaimee lusty
and then photos: maggie owsley
black and red eye: lauren denitzio
girls and beuys club: aimee lusty & scott meyers
jordan lovelace
just a visual: darren nanos
libran man: katie crutchfield
momma's hip hop kitchen
oh, mija: daniela capistrano
pen 15 press
people of color (poc) zine project
rock and the single girl: jamie varriale velez
slice harvester
so it's gray: allison gray
somebody's autobiography: kate angell
soul ponies: stacy konkiel
southern vision
strength in numbers
the habit of being: cynthia schemmer
thinking with: laura long
thread and circuits: mimi thi nguyen
touring in cars with boys: sheela soskin
what's yr problem?!
all ages movement projectart / work
barnard zine library
bikini kill archive
blood blister sisters
cabeça tédio
colouring outside the lines
dear diary
death: for the whole world to see
dirt palace
even clean hands cause damage: julia downes
feminist art project
girls' guide to rocking
jigsaw underground
more than a witness
shotgun seamstress: osa atoe
the loom of ruin: sam mcpheeters
thee satisfaction
tinyluckygenius aka the unicorn's tear: jessica hopper
total trash
what we want is free: layla gibbon